• by: Redazione Fondazione Valter Longo Onlus
  • June 23rd, 2020

It is now well known that yoga is good for the mind and body. So much so, that constant confir-mations also come from the scientific world. New research shows that yoga is good for all ages, even the elderly. A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physi-cal Activity (March 2019) states this, following a survey conducted by a team of British re-searchers at The University of Edinburgh (UK). In particular, yoga keeps the body flexible and healthy, even in old age; as well as it promotes a good night’s sleep and dispels moodiness, with a beneficial effect for the mind too.


The study in question concerned the analysis of data emerging from 22 previous surveys, con-sidering 27 different records. The beneficial effects of yoga were assessed: on the one hand, it improves physical function (17 records); on the other, it improves the quality of life related to health. To do this, the data of some databases were cross-checked, systematically searched in September 2017 (MEDLINE, PsycInfo, CINAHL Plus, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Li-brary, EMBASE, SPORTDiscus, AMED and ProQuest).

The researchers focused their attention on the benefits that yoga can bring, considering a sam-ple of older people, with an average age of 60 and over. Without choosing individuals on the ba-sis of particular diseases or specific health conditions, but distinguishing the two groups through the intervention of yoga compared to inactive controls (for example: waiting list control, health records etc.) or active controls ( for example: walking, armchair aerobics etc.). Therefore, two analyses were conducted: a systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomized controlled tri-als, calculated using random effects models.


Based on the results obtained, it has thus been shown that a constant practice of the ancient In-dian discipline, with sessions lasting between 30 and 90 minutes, brings various benefits. In the physical sphere, the benefits on the body improve: balance and flexibility, lower limbs strenght, strength as well as ability to move in general. In addition, there are also health effects for the psyche: it improves the quality of sleep, reduces the risk of falling into depression (quite common in old age) and improves vitality in those who practice yoga.

According to the researchers who authored this study, yoga should be promoted in the Guide-lines on physical activities indicated for the elderly. This discipline is also suitable for the elderly, as it consists of a series of exercises and movements (asanas) adaptable to any level of physical performance and at any age. In particular, it is Hatha Yoga that lends itself to this type of ad per-sonam adjustment.


  1. Divya Sivaramakrishnanet Al. – The effects of yoga compared to active and inactive controls on physical function and health related quality of life in older adults- systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials – International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (March 2019)
  2. The University of Edimburg -NEWS -Yoga improves health in later life, study says (data ultimo accesso 22.07.2019)

In collaborazione con Redazione Fondazione Valter Longo Onlus
Fondazione Valter Longo Onlus ha l’obiettivo di fare divulgazione scientifica sensibilizzando la comunità scientifica e non, ad uno stile di vita salutare ed una corretta alimentazione tramite la produzione di articoli scientifici esplicativi, contenuti testuali, infografiche e multimediali, e la diffusione delle attività cliniche, scientifiche, divulgative ed educative della Fondazione e del suo team di professionisti. Percorsi alimentari, scoperte scientifiche, studi clinici, trattamenti e tecnologie, eventi di sensibilizzazione nazionale e internazionale, iniziative di prevenzione nonché ricette della Longevità sono solo alcuni dei temi affrontati in articoli e interviste di approfondimento pubblicati quotidianamente e scritti in collaborazione con gli specialisti della Fondazione. Attivissima anche sui social, la redazione di Fondazione Valter Longo Onlus propone inoltre una newsletter mensile inviata a tutti gli iscritti, per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle più interessanti novità legate al mondo della Salute, Nutrizione e Longevità.

Partecipano alla redazione:
Romina Inés Cervigni
Alessandra Fedato
Maria Liliana Ciraulo
Corinna Montana Lampo
Cristina Villa


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